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We appreciate the unique business and operational challenges facing the transport industry. We work with transport and logistics operators in road, rail, aviation and maritime transportation, as well as other related services. Our thorough knowledge of the transport sector enables our team to provide comprehensive, practical legal advice and deliver solutions that reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Through our experience acting in the bus and rail sector, we have developed a very detailed understanding of the industry issues. Our team is ideally placed to handle and resolve disputes if and when they arise.

Key services

  • Public liability claims
  • Coronial inquests
  • Industrial accident, common law/VWA recovery claims for transport and logistics companies with associated contractual indemnity and double insurance issues
  • Workplace litigation including unfair dismissal claims, general protections disputes, bullying and discrimination claims
  • Preparation of employment contracts and workplace policies

Related experience

  • Acting for Sydney Trains in a number of litigated public liability claims.
  • Acting for Queensland Rail in a number of complex and catastrophic claims.
  • Defending aviation accident cases for insurers on behalf of manufacturers, aircraft owners and pilots, airlines and aircraft operators, aircraft maintenance facilities and Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (LAMEs), aerial applicators and airports.
  • Acting for aircraft operators in inquests and inquiries.
  • Providing coverage advice to aviation insurers.
  • Pursuing subrogation and recovery actions for aviation insurers.
  • Acting in foreign aviation matters involving taking evidence in Australia under the Hague Convention.
  • Acting for aviation businesses in commercial transactions including the purchase, sale and leasing of aircraft.
  • Acting for Toll in a number of public liability and motor vehicle claims in the Supreme and District Courts of New South Wales.
  • Acting for the London market insurers of RailCorp on the Waterfall rail disaster.
  • Advising pilots, engineers and operators on the regulatory aspects of aviation in Australia.