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Retail and Hospitality

Our team has more than 20 years’ experience acting for a wide range of retailers, from small independent outlets to large national supermarket chains and global leaders in fashion, beauty and luxury goods.

In retail, our team works closely with directors and in-house counsel to safeguard their reputation and brand. Our work is varied, ranging from the review of commercial agreements, terms and conditions, and policies, to advising on disputes, defamation claims, and privacy breaches. In addition, we assist retailers with their online trading and compliance issues, along with all aspects of their leasing requirements.

We also regularly act on behalf of shopping centre managers and their insurers, as well as other related entities, including cleaning companies and trolley contractors.

In the hospitality sector, our team has assisted and advised hotels, including large multinational companies, together with restaurants, fast food venues, bars, pubs and sporting clubs.

In dealing with litigation arising from these entities, we adopt a practical approach to ensure cost-effective and expedient claims resolution to ensure that our clients’ customers suffer minimal business disruption. We are alive to the many challenges faced within the retail and hospitality sectors, typically caused by visitors to their premises being involved in accidents. These can occur in a multitude of ways, either because of human error or alternatively, as a consequence of defective equipment such as escalators, travelators and lifts.

Key services

  • Advising retailers on commercial agreements, policies, online trading and e-law issues and terms and conditions;
  • Advising and assisting retailers with privacy and compliance issues
  • Public liability claims
  • Product liability claims
  • Professional negligence claims
  • Property damage
  • Risk management
  • Advising on employment relations issues, including investigations and disciplinary processes, interpretation of enterprise agreements and managing industrial action
  • Workplace health and safety issues advice and representation
  • Monitoring changes to key legislation and make recommendations to change processes or policies if required

Related experience

  • Preparation of employment contracts and policies
  • Advising in relation to managing poor performance, discrimination, harassment, bullying and dismissal