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Pharmacy Connect 2024

Meridian Lawyers together with 542 Partners are delighted to be presenting a session at Pharmacy Connect 2024

Starting & Finishing Strong – Structuring your pharmacy business for financial, tax and legal success

Date: Friday, 6 September 2024
Time: 11.25 am – 12.10 pm
Place: Hyatt Regency, Sydney

Meridian Lawyers’ pharmacy Principal, Georgina Odell, and Stuart Brandman, chartered accountant, and Director of 542 Partners, join forces to provide their legal and accounting perspectives and insights into potential structures for pharmacy businesses, and address the financial, tax, and legal implications associated with different structures.

Georgina and Stuart have more than 20 years’ combined experience advising pharmacists at all stages of their ownership journey, whether they are establishing a new pharmacy, buying an existing business, or preparing to sell.

To register and find out more visit Pharmacy Connect 

Meridian Lawyers Pharmacy Team

We are recognised as a leading pharmacy law practice in Australia. We act for many pharmacists across the country, and are the principal legal advisor to the Pharmacy Guild of Australia.

Clients value our personal approach and extensive knowledge of the pharmacy profession. Our team assists clients to address the legal and ethical obligations that arise in managing their day-to-day operations.

We advise on:

  • Buying and Selling a Pharmacy
  • Banner Agreements
  • Partnership Agreements
  • Australian Privacy Laws
  • Claims Management
  • Defamation
  • Workplace Relations and Safety
  • Regulatory Issues
  • Pharmacy Location Rule Issues
  • Business Structures
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Ministerial Discretion applications

Meet our pharmacy team

About 542 Partners

542 Partners is a team of strategic accountants experienced in helping pharmacists across every stage of their business journey.

Their team-oriented approach includes working with a range of professional partners, including lawyers, and insurance brokers to achieve business goals.

542 Partners provides holistic accounting, tax and advisory services ranging from pre-acquisition services, structuring, contract review, cash flow forecasting, to ongoing tax compliance, administration, and succession planning.

The team also leverages the latest technology and focuses on targeted processes that achieve real-time client insights. Their expertise is based on best practice data with a commitment to being open and easily approachable.

Meet the 542 Partners team


To understand the current issues facing pharmacy, access Meridian’s latest pharmacy insights below: