Lauren Biviano

Lauren Biviano
Senior Associate

Lauren Biviano

Lauren is an insurance litigator who has developed a practice in health law, assisting medical practitioners and a major Sydney private hospital, and also acts for respondents in institutional abuse claims.

She assists health professionals and their medical indemnity insurers when responding to professional indemnity claims, disciplinary proceedings, and complaints. Lauren also advises a private hospital on a range of matters, from patient complaints to VMO accreditation issues. Lauren has a broad range of experience in health law including litigation in the NSW Court of Appeal, Supreme and District Courts, and responding to complaints against health practitioners in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. She has assisted practitioners in coronial inquests and in hearings before the Medical Council and other professional Councils.

Her assistance to religious and secular organisations, when responding to claims by children and vulnerable people, is conducted sensitively. She is cognisant that persons who make these claims, many years after the event, show great courage and vulnerability. Lauren responds to the claims, by not compromising her clients’ interests, by ascertaining what can reasonably be achieved without adding to the trauma already suffered.

Lauren regularly publishes articles in leading health law journals.