Insights Types: Health Insight

Jul 1, 2022

INSIGHT: The importance of health practitioners’ compliance with public health policies and directions

Brief Context In Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Bergin [2022] VR 4, a registered nurse (Practitioner) was found…

Mar 10, 2022

INSIGHT: A cautionary note to all health practitioners: don’t be caught out by section 130 of the National Law!

With increasing frequency in recent times, Meridian Lawyers is acting for registered health practitioners who have been the subject of…

Feb 21, 2022

INSIGHT: UK: Court of Appeal overturns controversial finding that under-16s cannot give informed consent to treatment with puberty blockers for gender dysphoria

UK: Court of Appeal overturns controversial finding that under-16s cannot give informed consent to treatment with puberty blockers for gender…

Feb 14, 2022

INSIGHT: United Kingdom High Court considers claim for discrimination by abortion laws to people with Down’s syndrome

Heidi Crowter, a 26-year-old woman with Down’s syndrome, brought a case in the High Court of England and Wales challenging…

Dec 14, 2021

INSIGHT: NCAT overturned Medical Council’s decision to suspend medical student’s licence

Case: Hyland v Medical Council of New South Wales [2021] NSWCATOD 199 The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (“the Tribunal”)…

Jun 24, 2021

INSIGHT: High court affirms parents can consent to puberty blockers on behalf of their children

UK: Winding back Bell v Tavistock[i]; High Court affirms that parents can consent to puberty blockers on behalf of their…

Jun 17, 2021

INSIGHT: Real time prescription monitoring: assisting practitioners to make better informed prescribing decisions

Real Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) is a national digital health system which was established by the Commonwealth Government. Each state…

May 17, 2021

INSIGHT: Extended powers of HCC include investigating complaints incidental to the provision of health services

The facts BG, a myotherapist and a ‘general health service provider’ for the purposes of the Health Complaints Act 2016…

May 10, 2021

INSIGHT: Gender Dysphoria and Children: Lessons from R v Tavistock

R v Tavistock, Gender Dysphoria and Children: puberty blockers “interlinked” with cross-sex hormones such that informed consent extends to understanding…

Apr 28, 2021

INSIGHT: VCAT confirms COAG Ministerial Direction 2019-1 not binding on Tribunals

In January last year, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council published a new Ministerial direction with the intention…

Feb 11, 2021

INSIGHT: New and expanded AHPRA Advertising Guidelines: a welcome aid to compliance

Meridian Lawyers has published several Health Insights in the past about the importance of understanding and adhering to the advertising…

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