Insights Sectors: Health

Jun 8, 2018

INSIGHT: Missing faxed scan result triggers the Coroners Court to call for robust standards regarding the communication of radiology results

The Coroners Court of Victoria has called for the development of a set of standards specifically setting out systems for…

May 31, 2018

INSIGHT: Sparks v Hobson; Gray v Hobson [2018] NSWCA 29: Is this a prelude to the expansion of the peer professional opinion defence in NSW?

A recent decision by the NSW Court of Appeal has given rise to hopes that the current interpretation of the…

May 24, 2018

INSIGHT: ‘SafeScript’ Roll-out: An update for practitioners on important regulatory changes from 1 July 2018

The Victorian Department of Health has confirmed that the implementation of the ‘SafeScript’ real-time prescription monitoring system will begin later…

May 2, 2018

INSIGHT: Recent trends in buying and selling pharmacies

Meridian Lawyers acts for pharmacists in the sale and purchase of their pharmacy businesses.  Issues which arise in these transactions…

May 2, 2018

INSIGHT: Pharmacy Franchise Law – tips for franchisees

Many pharmacy business owners are interested in becoming franchisees in order for them to trade with the benefit of national…

May 2, 2018

INSIGHT: Misuse, interference or loss of personal information by pharmacists – new mandatory notifications for data breaches

On 22 February 2018, mandatory data breach notification requirements were incorporated into the Privacy Act 1988 (Act) and now apply…

May 2, 2018

INSIGHT: Expanding or contracting your pharmacy? Don’t forget Pharmacy Location Rule 121

Expansion of a pharmacy may take place where the floor size of a pharmacy is increased, for example by expanding…

Apr 18, 2018

INSIGHT: NSW Health Services Organisations face key changes to Root Cause Analysis procedures

Recently passed amendments to the Health Administration Act 1982 (NSW)[1] have been celebrated by the NSW government as an improvement…

Apr 18, 2018

INSIGHT: Supreme Court of Victoria confirms availability of statutory privilege over clinical records in VCAT

In a not uncontroversial decision by the Supreme Court of Victoria late last year, the doorway to statutory privilege over…

Apr 18, 2018

INSIGHT: National registration of paramedics – mandatory notifications: what paramedics need to know about their mandatory reporting obligations

With national registration of paramedics set to commence later this year, paramedics should start to familiarise themselves with the obligations…

Apr 15, 2018

INSIGHT: Overhaul gets the go ahead for mandatory reporting laws regarding treating healthcare professionals

On Friday 13 April 2018, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council meeting of Australia’s health ministers unanimously agreed…

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