A dental scenario: A dental assistant, at the dentist’s direction, supplied an anxious patient with Serepax (oxazepam) prior to surgical…
Insights Sectors: Dental

INSIGHT: Fast-tracked orthodontic treatments give rise to informed consent and scope of practice issues
Dental scenario: A patient raised concerns about his smile during a routine consultation with his general dentist. He wanted to…

INSIGHT: The dentist as an independent expert witness
When a patient sues a dentist alleging negligence it is the role of the court to weigh up the evidence…

INSIGHT: Buying and selling dental practices
You need to consider a number of fundamental matters before purchasing a professional practice – we discussed these in our…

INSIGHT: Credit reporting regime under the Privacy Act has a new bite
As of 12 March 2014, significant changes to the credit reporting regime under the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) will impact…

INSIGHT: Consider these fundamentals before purchasing a professional practice
If you are thinking about purchasing a professional services practice, whether it be a dentistry practice or other, there are…

INSIGHT: Is this the end of your lease?
From years of experience, we know that concerns over business leases can be the greatest and most frequent worry faced…

INSIGHT: Joint statement on dental audits: ADA, Guild Insurance and Meridian Lawyers
Finally, some good news on the Medicare dental audits. In recent developments, several ADA branch members received letters from the…