Recently, we published an article outlining the dos and don’ts of COVID-19 vaccine promotion. Our Insight summarises how vaccine providers…
Insights Sectors: Allied Health

INSIGHT: Extended powers of HCC include investigating complaints incidental to the provision of health services
The facts BG, a myotherapist and a ‘general health service provider’ for the purposes of the Health Complaints Act 2016…

INSIGHT: Health Complaints Act 2016 (Vic) – does it really apply to me? Important implications for registered health professionals employed by bodies corporate in Victoria
In 2016, the Victorian government introduced the Health Complaints Act 2016 (Vic) (the Act) which launched a new framework for…

INSIGHT: New and expanded AHPRA Advertising Guidelines: a welcome aid to compliance
Meridian Lawyers has published several Health Insights in the past about the importance of understanding and adhering to the advertising…

INSIGHT: Federal Court of Australia confirms Professional Services Review (PSR) has the power to order part repayments
Professional Services Review (PSR) is a Commonwealth Agency whose objective is to protect the integrity of the Commonwealth Medicare benefits,…

INSIGHT: VCAT upholds use of immediate action power to suspend doctor over social media use
Meridian Lawyers recently published an article examining the power to take immediate action against health practitioners under section 156 of…

INSIGHT: Accidentally sending an email to the wrong email address can cost you
Key lessons from ‘SD’ and ‘SE’ and Northside Clinic (Vic) Pty Ltd [2020] AlCmr 21 We recently published an article…

INSIGHT: What do I do if there is an accidental breach of my patient’s privacy? Advice for health practitioners and organisations
It is trite advice to Australian health practitioners to say that they must exercise caution when dealing with their patients’…

INSIGHT: Taking action against health practitioners in the “public interest” – two years on, how is the new immediate action power being applied in practice?
One of the most stressful circumstances a registered health practitioner can encounter, is when they receive a notice from their…

INSIGHT: Coroner’s findings emphasise the potential risks of relying on telehealth without in-patient review
Recently we published an article outlining some of the risks and limitations for medical practitioners using telehealth to provide care…

INSIGHT: Using the new MBS telehealth item numbers to care for patients from home? Here are some of the risks and limitations for medical practitioners
As part of the national health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government has rolled out new temporary Medicare…