Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2024 is an annual campaign led by the Australian privacy regulator, the Office of the Australian…
Insights Sectors: Allied Health

INSIGHT: Cyber Security Awareness Month – Are you cyber aware?
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM). CSAM is an annual reminder for Australians to stay safe online and protect…

INSIGHT: Can a patient under 18 provide informed consent?
There is no clear yes or no answer. As we explain, consent will depend on the individual. In any case,…

INSIGHT: Convicted health professionals may face registration suspension
Case note: Health Care Complaints Commission v FLJ [2023] NSWCATOD 7 Key takeaways Health professionals convicted of serious criminal charges, such…

INSIGHT: Payroll tax concerns for medical and allied health practices
Recent payroll tax decisions and policy developments in NSW, QLD, and VIC have put medical and allied health practices across…

INSIGHT: Are the Australian Privacy Reforms on your radar?
The Australian privacy landscape is changing. In December 2022, amendments came into force to amend the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth)…

INSIGHT: Collaborative arrangements between medical practitioners and eligible nurse practitioners and eligible midwives
The Health Insurance Act 1973 and the Health Insurance Regulations 2018 (Regulations) permit eligible midwives and eligible nurse practitioners to…

INSIGHT: New regulations are now in force for all health practitioners and organisations in NSW
If you operate a health service, or are a health practitioner working in NSW, you need to be aware of…

INSIGHT: Online Reviews & Defamation
Meridian is increasingly receiving enquiries from both health practitioners and service providers seeking advice regarding negative reviews placed online by…

INSIGHT: A cautionary note to all health practitioners: don’t be caught out by section 130 of the National Law!
With increasing frequency in recent times, Meridian Lawyers is acting for registered health practitioners who have been the subject of…

INSIGHT: Pharmacists: are you ready for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout?
A refresher on the key responsibilities for pharmacists who conduct vaccinations The Australian Federal Government has announced that pharmacists will…