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Privacy Awareness Week 2024 | Understanding transparency, accountability and security

Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2024 is an annual campaign led by the Australian privacy regulator, the Office of the Australian…

Cyber Security Awareness Month – Are you cyber aware?

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM). CSAM is an annual reminder for Australians to stay safe online and protect…

Pharmacy Workplace Relations – Hot Topics

Annualised Salary –  as part of the review of all modern awards the Fair Work Commission has determined that the…

Aim for a pain-free goodbye

Meridian Lawyers assists pharmacists across Australia with the sale and purchase of their pharmacies. Whether you have negotiated a sale…

The cost of doing business: an open and shut case for a child care centre

A case with a fortunate outcome highlights the need for child care operators to be vigilant in actioning issues identified…