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Privacy Awareness Week 2024 | Understanding transparency, accountability and security

Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2024 is an annual campaign led by the Australian privacy regulator, the Office of the Australian…

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The case against ChatGPT: Warnings against an AI-generated testimony

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly rising across the legal profession. While there are benefits in saving time…

Cyber Security Awareness Month – Are you cyber aware?

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM). CSAM is an annual reminder for Australians to stay safe online and protect…

Does your domain name meet the new trade mark eligibility rules?

From 12 April 2021, there will be new rules for ownership of .com.au and .net.au domain names. The new rules…

How to avoid copyright infringement

With so much information publicly available, you must be careful not to infringe copyright when you use another person’s material….