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Attempted murder during offsite training: is the occupier liable for psychiatric injury?

Case note: Optus Administration Pty Limited v Glenn Wright by his tutor James Wright [2017] NSWCA 21: In overturning a…

Meridian Lawyers successful in long-running professional negligence case

Meridian Lawyers has successfully defended a long-running professional negligence case against a solicitor. Case note: Borgese [2017] NSWSC 92: The plaintiff, Domenico…

The duty of care owed by a principal contractor – is it delegable?

In its recent decision in Gulic v Boral Transport Ltd[1] the NSW Court of Appeal has found that the duty…

How will technology change the types of claims we see in the future?

Q&A with Principal Robert Crittenden: What technology risks are emerging and what are the implications for insurers? A: Emerging technology…

Game of drones: new rules, new challenges

Why talk about drones? AIDA presentation by Special Counsel Peter Axelrod Drones preview the problems that will face insurers and operators…

Certain contractual indemnities void in Queensland injury claims – some traps for brokers

Changes to Queensland workers’ compensation legislation mean that contractual indemnities previously used (largely by principals with their contractors) to transfer…

Is this the end to using contractual indemnities to apportion liability for workers’ injuries?

The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation (National Injury) Insurance Scheme (Amendment Bill 2016) has been introduced into the Queensland Parliament. Along…

Insurance insights: The pitfalls of lending a helping hand

Lending a helping hand is an ideal ingrained into the Australian psyche. Doing that little bit extra is something we…

Tackling tardiness

Do you have an employee who is regularly late for work?  A one-off is excusable but how should you deal…

Drones – friend or foe for underwriters?

There is good news and bad news about drones, as they become increasingly popular, says Peter Axelrod, Special Counsel at…

Selling your business? Don’t forget an important asset – your employees!

If you are selling your business, careful consideration must be given to your employees and what will happen to their…

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