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VCAT confirms COAG Ministerial Direction 2019-1 not binding on Tribunals

In January last year, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council published a new Ministerial direction with the intention…

Health Complaints Act 2016 (Vic) – does it really apply to me? Important implications for registered health professionals employed by bodies corporate in Victoria

In 2016, the Victorian government introduced the Health Complaints Act 2016 (Vic) (the Act) which launched a new framework for…

Make privacy a priority, today and every day

Currently, 85% of all Australians have a clear understanding of why they should protect personal information, yet 49% don’t know…

Do your staff members understand their obligations regarding the handling and storage of personal information?

A recent decision of the Australian Information and Privacy Commissioner, Commissioner Falk, highlights the importance of staff training on the…

New and expanded AHPRA Advertising Guidelines: a welcome aid to compliance

Meridian Lawyers has published several Health Insights in the past about the importance of understanding and adhering to the advertising…

A case scenario on patient privacy – can I discuss a deceased patient’s care with their family members?

Meridian Lawyers often receives calls from doctors and other health practitioners requesting one-off advice relating to their day-to-day practice. Recently,…

A case scenario on death certificates – who can sign them and when?

Meridian Lawyers often receives calls from doctors and other health practitioners requesting one-off advice relating to their day-to-day practice. One…

Federal Court of Australia confirms Professional Services Review (PSR) has the power to order part repayments

Professional Services Review (PSR) is a Commonwealth Agency whose objective is to protect the integrity of the Commonwealth Medicare benefits,…

Coroners Court Directions Hearings now required within 28 days for mandatory inquest deaths

The Victorian State Coroner recently issued Practice Direction 5 of 2020 – ‘Directions Hearings in Mandatory Inquests’, requiring that in…

No half doses in pharmacy ownership

A reminder to pharmacy proprietors of their key responsibilities Meridian Lawyers regularly assists a range of healthcare professionals to understand…

VCAT upholds use of immediate action power to suspend doctor over social media use

Meridian Lawyers recently published an article examining the power to take immediate action against health practitioners under section 156 of…

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