Hastwell v Parmegiani [2023] NSWSC 1016 In Hastwell v Parmegiani [2023] NSWSC 1016, the NSW Supreme Court reaffirmed the immunity…

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Can a patient under 18 provide informed consent?
There is no clear yes or no answer. As we explain, consent will depend on the individual. In any case,…

Convicted health professionals may face registration suspension
Case note: Health Care Complaints Commission v FLJ [2023] NSWCATOD 7 Key takeaways Health professionals convicted of serious criminal charges, such…

Privacy Awareness Week 2023
Over the past 12 months we have observed a seismic shift in the focus on the privacy landscape in Australia…

Are the Australian Privacy Reforms on your radar?
The Australian privacy landscape is changing. In December 2022, amendments came into force to amend the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth)…

Industry Update: Increase in monetary jurisdictional limits of the District Court of NSW
This brief update provides you with an overview of recent changes implemented by the District Court in NSW. The NSW…

New era for the costing of County Court and Supreme Court claims
Introduction This insight reports on the recommendations from the ‘Report on Litigious Costs’ (the Report) recently released by the Supreme…

Collaborative arrangements between medical practitioners and eligible nurse practitioners and eligible midwives
The Health Insurance Act 1973 and the Health Insurance Regulations 2018 (Regulations) permit eligible midwives and eligible nurse practitioners to…

Victoria Health Services: Are you prepared for the Statutory Duty of Candour?
On 30 November 2022, the Health Legislation Amendment (Quality and Safety) Act 2022 (Vic) will come into effect. This legislation…

New regulations are now in force for all health practitioners and organisations in NSW
If you operate a health service, or are a health practitioner working in NSW, you need to be aware of…

Veterinary practice in WA: significant changes to the regulatory framework
Key takeaways On 18 June 2022, the Veterinary Practice Act 2021 (Act) commenced and the newly appointed members of the…