Insights: General Liability


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Landlord and agent – the buck stops where?

Yeung v Santosa Realty Co Pty Ltd [2020] VSCA 7 Background On 19 May 2014, the plaintiff, a tenant of…

Insurance, drones and you.

Article 1 of 3 – An Introduction In a series of upcoming articles, we will be providing: An overview of…

Caffrey v AAI Limited [2019] QSC 7

Key takeaways A deceased driver was found to have owed a duty to take reasonable care not to cause psychiatric…

Your Onus or Mine?

Refresher on damages for economic loss and domestic assistance where there are pre-existing conditions. Gulic v Angelovski[1] Facts  Mr Gulic…

70 years in the making: the Civil Liability (Third Party Claims Against Insurers) Act 2017

Since 1946 Section 6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (‘Section 6’) has been the main vehicle through…

Drones – friend or foe for underwriters?

There is good news and bad news about drones, as they become increasingly popular, says Peter Axelrod, Special Counsel at…

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