Recent amendments to Regulatory Guide 126 highlight that financial service providers should regularly review their PI cover to ensure compliance…

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New Legislation Introduces Ban on Excessive Payment Surcharges
On 1 September 2017, a ban was imposed on the practice of charging customers excessive surcharges on card payments pursuant to…

Expanded Protection for Whistleblowers in Corporate, Financial and Credit Sectors including Tax Misconduct
On 23 October 2017, the Commonwealth Government released an exposure draft of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Whistleblowers) Bill 2017 which…

Put it in writing: Tools to protect and enforce minority shareholder rights (Part 2)
The Importance of a Shareholders’ Agreement In the previous issue of Commercial Insights, we wrote about the utility and importance…

How to avoid copyright infringement
With so much information publicly available, you must be careful not to infringe copyright when you use another person’s material….

How fit are you, legally?
Working as a Fitness Professional (FP) can be a rewarding career in helping others achieve their health and fitness goals,…

Crowd-sourced funding for start-ups and SMEs – offering shares to retail investors
From 29 September 2017, public companies may offer ordinary shares to retail investors under the equity-based crowd-sourced funding regime through…

Proposed new Insurance Code of Practice for Superannuation Trustees
On 20 September 2017, the Insurance in Superannuation Working Group (ISWG) released a draft Insurance Code of Practice for Superannuation…

ACCC increases franchisor scrutiny
Under the Franchising Code of Conduct (FCC) a franchisor is obliged to update a disclosure document which has been issued…

‘Phillips arrangements’: It may be time to review your service company arrangements
Many professional practice owners including medical practitioners and pharmacists enter into an agreement with an associated entity to provide services…

NSW landlords and tenants affected by changes to the Retail Leases Act
Recent amendments to the Retail Leases Act 1994 (NSW) (RL Act) will affect both landlords and tenants of retail premises….