Home | Striking the right balance: gender diversity and flexibility

INSIGHTS: Striking the right balance: gender diversity and flexibility

February 10, 2016

Meridian Lawyers’ gender diversity and flexible workplace practices have been highlighted in recent media reports. In an Australian Financial Review article on gender diversity within the legal profession, Meridian Lawyers ranked second out of the surveyed Australian law firms as to the percentage of female partners (“Women dominate ranks of senior law associates”, 22/01/16). Of Meridian’s 17 Principals, six are female, reflecting the firm’s open approach and commitment to providing balanced career pathways.

On Friday, 5 February 2016, the Australian Financial Review published an article on law firm diversity (“Male lawyers go part time to stay in the family way”, by Marianna Papadakis), revealing that “mid-tier firms generally had more flexible workers. Meridian Lawyers… boasted [a] partnership[s] where at least one in six members was working part-time”.

Meridian Lawyers is committed to achieving a good gender balance within our leadership team, as well as promoting family friendly policies. Meridian embraces part-time roles and offers flexible hours for all its staff. The majority of legal practitioners employed at Meridian are females (more than 70%). Approximately 19% of staff work part-time hours and many work flexible hours and partly from home.

Managing Principal Paul Baker says, “We are a growing firm, where opportunities for career development and promotion abound. We have low staff turnover and a welcoming team. We are highly collaborative and have an exceptional culture that promotes a sensible work-life balance”.

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