Home | Meridian Lawyers assists with NAPSA’s constitution overhaul

INSIGHTS: Meridian Lawyers assists with NAPSA’s constitution overhaul

November 18, 2015

Meridian Lawyers has assisted the National Pharmacy Students’ Association (NAPSA) in a major overhaul of its constitution and restructure of its corporate status.

NAPSA aims to be the voice of Australian pharmacy students, representing the interests of 3,500 undergraduate and postgraduate students studying pharmacy at 18 universities across Australia.

Prior to instructing Meridian, NAPSA took the wise step of carefully considering and debating exactly what was and was not working in its constitution and structure, and came up with a democratically approved “wish list” for a new set of rules.

The list covered practical points such as the identity of voting members, how many people should be on the executive committee, how nominations and elections should be handled, how meetings are to be called and held and how life members should be appointed.

The constitution is the key to good governance of any association, as it sets out the agreement between the association and its members and the rules that will apply to its management. The constitution also sets out the association’s “objects” or “purposes” – the things the association was set up to do.

As well as assisting NAPSA to update the constitution, Meridian Lawyers advised on NAPSA’s transition from an incorporated association structure governed by Western Australian law to a company limited by guarantee, which is governed by the Corporations Act 2001, a Commonwealth law.

NAPSA is now focusing on its upcoming Student Congress which will take place in Townsville from 23 to 29 January 2016.

The Congress offers education and networking opportunities including a trade show hall, industry speakers, plus social events including a battle night, barge party and a Gala Ball.

Meridian Lawyers wishes to congratulate NAPSA on its new modern structure.

For assistance with association governance issues including constitutions and transitioning to a different structure, please contact our Commercial Principals: Mark Fitzgerald, Melbourne on (03) 9810 6767 or Georgina Odell, Sydney on (02) 9018 9975.

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