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As a preeminent law firm in the healthcare sector, Meridian has a deep understanding of the business of health and its regulations. Our dedicated health law team has diverse and substantial experience across insurance, commercial, corporate advisory, workplace relations and safety, commercial litigation and dispute resolution.

Providing support to pharmacy owners working at the forefront of industry and regulatory change, Meridian is recognised as a leading Australian pharmacy law practice.

We draw on our extensive industry experience to deliver quality legal advice to allied health services on a wide range of issues from corporate and commercial transactions, workplace relations advice and litigation, regulatory advice, compliance, medico-legal, and litigation advice concerning professional indemnity and public liability claims.

Medical practitioners benefit from our experienced team and strong track record in support and defence of Divisions of General Practice, general practitioners, nurses, hospitals, hospital service providers and pathology companies. We are also experienced in acting for medical defence organisations, other medical organisations and health professionals.

Meridian Lawyers has offices located in Brisbane, Canberra, Newcastle Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney. Contact us today to find out how our health lawyers can assist you.