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Strategy, Advice and Planning

Workplace Relations and Safety

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Our Workplace Relations and Safety team works with you to proactively identify areas of risk and deploy risk management strategies to protect your business. We provide pragmatic and practical advice to assist you in understanding your legal obligations.

We assist our clients to develop strategies and supporting documents to manage workplace change, maintain or improve workplace culture, achieve productivity gains and meet business objectives.

We have assisted our clients in the following ways:

  • Conducting an investigation into the alleged misconduct of a senior executive in the construction industry.
  • Preparing letters of engagement and employment contracts for a pharmacy owner purchasing a business.
  • Advising a professional services company on a restructuring and redundancy implementation and obligations.
  • Reviewing a performance management plan, providing advice and drafting warning letters, and a notice of termination for a child care operator.
  • Providing advice and assistance on both legal and public relations matters to a large corporation regarding the departure of its CEO.
  • Reviewing the workplace flexibility policy of a large employer and advising on the implementation of changes to the policy.
  • Assisting a heavy industry employer prepare and implement an enterprise bargaining strategy.
  • Providing advice on the medical and other information required by a publisher to assess fitness for work and whether reasonable accommodations could be made so the work could be performed.
  • Conducting in house training for a professional services company on bullying, harassment and discrimination.
  • Advising a finance sector employer on award obligations and potential underpayment liabilities.
  • Drafting policies and contract terms for a large employer to protect confidential information and prevent poaching of clients and employees.
  • Advising an employer association to manage a bullying and harassment complaint and future risk minimisation strategies.
  • Assisting a logistics business develop a strategy for a union right of entry.
  • Conducting employment related due diligence for a major child care operator considering purchasing centres from another operator.
  • Advising a dental employer on the difference between employment and contracting arrangements and provided appropriate independent contractor agreements.