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Construction Liability

Our lawyers have decades of experience handling construction claims across Australia for liability and professional indemnity insurers.

With a track record of successfully representing clients in numerous claims against engineers, building surveyors, and building firms, we are well-equipped to handle a wide range of cases, from minor damage to multi-million-dollar disputes, involving complex indemnity and apportionment issues.

Our in-depth understanding of the legislative frameworks governing building disputes in each state where we operate allows us to provide expert guidance. We bring extensive experience in property and construction claims across all Australian jurisdictions, advising on general property liability, ISR, and contract works policies.

Key services

We have expertise advising on:

  • Contractual indemnities
  • Contractual assumed liabilities
  • Material damage under property, ISR and contract works
  • Machinery cover
  • Delay-in-start-up
  • Business interruption
  • Fire and water damage claims
  • Saturated soils
  • LEG exclusions
  • Dual insurance, incorporating both DIC and DIE cover
  • Fraud