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Aged Care

We appreciate the greater challenges facing the aged care sector as people live longer and require more substantial levels of care. The owners and operators of community and residential aged care facilities and home care providers need careful and considered legal advice to deal with the regulatory regime which affects them. Some of the challenges facing the sector include financial and operational risks, quality of care, and health and safety risks to care recipients and the workforce.

Our dedicated aged care legal team manage a diverse range of claims and advise on commercial and regulatory issues, professional conduct and disciplinary matters. Our focus is to ensure we protect the aged while at the same time balance the competing demands of other interested parties including care recipients and their families and friends.

Key services

  • Defending professional indemnity claims
  • Defending public liability claims
  • Managing coronial investigations
  • Advising on corporate and commercial issues such as mergers and acquisitions, partnership and shareholders’ agreements, privacy, franchising and leasing agreements
  • Responding to complaints made to the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner (from 1 January 2019 – the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission)
  • Advising on governance and restructuring implications
  • Advising on a range of property and construction issues, including property acquisition and divestment, retail and commercial leasing, and developments (construction contracts and other related services contracts and operating agreements)