Home | LawSense Webinar – Law for School Nurses

EVENTS: LawSense Webinar – Law for School Nurses

October 27, 2023

Principal Nevena Brown is participating in the LawSense Law for School Nurses webinar.  On 27 October 2023, Nevena will present the following session online at 11.30am (Sydney time).

Exploring Duty of Care Grey Areas and Cases: Recent Cases/Inquests, Managing First Aid Staff, Contractors, Non-Clinical Staff

Recent Cases Analysis and Learnings

  • Examining recent cases and learnings, including coronial inquests:
    • Lachlan Cook
    • Timothy Fehring

Managing First Aid Staff, Contractors, and Delegation

  • First aid staff:
    • exploring the limits to the scope of work first aid staff should perform in schools
    • understanding your potential liability for the work of first aid staff and the level of supervision required
  • Contractors or third parties providing clinical support:
    • managing your potential liability, including required due diligence, monitoring and supervision
    • managing privacy/confidentiality

Training/Instruction of Non-Clinical Staff by School Nurses

  • Exploring duties, potential liabilities and scope of practice in educating school staff about illnesses, conditions and medication. When should and shouldn’t you train non-clinical staff?
  • Non-clinical staff supervising a student self-administering medication – examining potential liabilities for school nurses and exploring best practice management
  • Key aspects to consider and cover in education or training non-clinical staff

For further information and to register, please visit: LawSense Law for School Nurses

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