Homira Haideri

Special Counsel Homira Haideri
Special Counsel

Homira Haideri

Homira has substantial experience in Insurance litigation with a focus on CTP litigation, including major and catastrophic claims and recovery matters. Homira is proficient in assessing damages in CTP and negligence disputes and employs this knowledge to evaluate the impact of expert reports and contentious evidence. Utilising her commercial mindset and astute legal knowledge, Homira consistently obtains quick and effective outcomes for her clients.  She is also skilled in:

  • representing insurers in matters before the Personal Injury Commission (previously CARS and MAS) as well as District and Supreme Court
  • managing and advising on multiple liability and indemnity claims for contribution, dual insurance, workers compensation recovery, LTCS eligibility and complex medical/causation issues
  • advising clients on statutory interpretation and administrative law in CTP matters.

Homira regularly provides seminars and other educational material to her insurer clients.

In 2018 and 2019, Homira was seconded to an insurer to assist their in-house legal team. Her experience has enabled her to share her insights into the business practices of a CTP insurer and draw on these when managing CTP matters. During her secondment, Homira was instrumental in making recommendations to the insurer to streamline their processes to facilitate the litigation end for panel firms, and assisted in driving MACA and MAIA claims to a quicker resolution.

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