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Learning and Development

One of the benefits of working at Meridian, is the opportunity to continually learn and develop skills and refine knowledge and expertise. At Meridian, we are committed to supporting you to develop your skills and expertise and we aim to instil a culture of learning through our Learning and Development program.

Our program, MeridianMinds, provides you with learning opportunities that are innovative, effective, relevant and fun, to support you in your current role and future career development goals. MeridianMinds aligns learning to our professional development framework and provides clear development pathways.

To help you reach your goals, we provide targeted learning opportunities. We work hard to facilitate on-the-job learning through mentoring and coaching, client secondments, and involvement in our Social Responsibility and Pro Bono Program. Ongoing development is supported through the opportunity to access a library of resources and participate in regular legal seminars and online webinars.