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Our dedicated team of lawyers regularly assists health practitioners, hospitals, health centres, pathology companies, day procedure clinics, and radiology companies respond to claims for compensation, before all the civil courts in Australia. We are proud to represent most of the health professions who are regulated by the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as well as non-regulated professionals such as dieticians, beauty therapists, and speech therapists.

With our extensive dispute resolution experience, from the initial conference, through the investigation phase and in alternative dispute resolution procedures, particularly mediations and settlement conferences, we are committed to finding solutions for our clients. Our deep and compassionate understanding of the issues assists us to resolve disputes on confidential terms. Where necessary, we will defend court proceedings but always are mindful of, and will prioritise, other solutions.

Key services

  • Defending professional indemnity claims
  • Dispute resolution
  • Defending medical negligence claims