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Workplace Relations and Safety

Our team works closely with you to understand your business and to help you achieve your business objectives.

Our approach is prompt, coordinated, strategic and practical. Our dedicated employment law team has extensive litigation experience and provides advice and representation on all aspects of employment law, workplace relations, industrial relations, and work health and safety.

Key Services

  • Drafting and reviewing employment contracts and workplace policies
  • Unfair dismissal, general protections and unlawful termination claims
  • Advice, negotiation assistance and representation in enterprise bargaining
  • Industrial disputes and managing stakeholder relationships
  • Labour hire and independent contractor arrangements
  • Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment policy drafting, training and representation
  • Conducting workplace investigations
  • Award making, review, interpretation and coverage
  • Protection of confidential information and enforcing post-employment restraints
  • Assistance with disciplinary processes and performance management
  • Strategic advice in relation to restructuring, redundancy, outsourcing, acquiring or selling a business, transferring employees and responding to requests to tender
  • Managing ill and injured employees
  • Defence of underpayment claims
  • Parental Leave and requests for flexible working arrangements
  • Work health and safety advice, training and prosecution defence
  • In-house training


Our deep knowledge and experience allows us to help clients navigate the unique industry issues they face in a strategic and practical way.

Practice Leader