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Meridian works with all levels of government, advising on administrative, commercial and dispute resolution matters, and coronial inquests. We understand the imperative of operating efficiently and effectively within the context of government policy objectives and changing public interest concerns.

Among our senior practitioners, we have approximately 30 years of experience acting for local government in a range of litigated matters. We have significant experience advising government departments and statutory authorities including the Department of Health (NSW), VicRoads, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (Victoria), Department of Education (NSW), Treasury Managed Fund (NSW Government’s self-insurance scheme) and Queensland Rail.

Key services

  • Administrative law
  • Government liability
  • Legislative drafting
  • Statutory interpretation
  • Workplace Relations and Safety
  • Commercial law
  • Litigation and dispute resolution
  • Coronial inquests
  • Civil claims

Related experience

  • Appointed to assist the Victorian Government’s Specialist Coronial Investigations Legal Panel. This appointment services all Victorian Government departments and entities.
  • Assisting the Crown Solicitors’ Office in obtaining evidence, including interviewing and drafting over 50 witness statements from various members of NSW Government Agencies in a large telecommunications dispute.
  • Acting as Panel Lawyer for Transport for the North (TFN), Railcorp and State Rail Authority of NSW.
  • Advising local government on the application of legislation, such as the Road Management Act, the Water Act and the Local Government Act.
  • Representing local government in Coronial Inquests.
  • Advising corporations on issues and disputes arising out of public sector contracts.
  • Acting for local government in a range of litigated personal injury, property damage and insurance matters.