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Meridian works with veterinarians to ensure they understand the legislation and professional codes guiding their legal and ethical responsibilities.

Our team supports veterinarians in understanding and dealing with the consequences of any breach of their standards of professional conduct. We also assist practitioners who face complaints to their Boards of unsatisfactory and professional misconduct, and in connection with claims for damages.

Key services

  • Disciplinary matters and professional conduct complaints
  • Privacy complaints
  • Acquisition and sale of a veterinary businesses
  • Negotiating leases and lease disputes
  • Business structuring and asset protection
  • Franchises
  • Protecting goodwill, including advising on the protection of intellectual property rights and the enforceability of trade restraints
  • Debt refinancing
  • Partnership disputes
  • Business succession planning and advice
  • Unfair dismissal claims, general protections disputes, bullying and discrimination claims
  • Employee misconduct and performance management advice
  • Employment contracts and workplace policies
  • Workplace and employment issues under the Animal Care and Veterinary Services Award 2010

Related experience

  • Acting for a veterinarian in a Coronial Inquest concerning the suicide of an employee dog groomer. The dog groomer had accessed the euthanasia drugs at the veterinarian’s practice.
  • Acting to defend veterinarians against charges for breach of the Work Health & Safety Act 2011 (QLD) arising from the control and management of potential Hendra Virus cases in horses.
  • Defending claims against veterinarians who cause tears to the rectal wall of thorough-bred mares as part of pre-service and breeding examinations.
  • Acting for equine veterinarians in the defence of claims arising out of the administration of prohibited substances to thoroughbred racehorses.
  • Acting for veterinary hospital owners in the sale of their businesses to large corporate and small independent purchasers.
  • Acting for veterinary practitioners in the purchase of veterinary businesses and associated leasing matters.
  • Assisting veterinarians to respond to complaints about their professional conduct to their Boards and defence of disciplinary proceedings.
  • Defending a veterinary practitioner for sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace
  • Advising on the applications of awards and penalties.
  • Advising on the business structure for veterinary practice network.
  • Developed an unfair dismissal claim made by an employee dismissed for theft and poor performance